Posted on Dec 06, 2023
The Cedar Rapids Metro Rotary Council voted to revitalize The Shakespeare Garden at Ellis Park. You have an opportunity to purchase an engraved brick.

Dear Rotarian
We were thrilled to have you support the Revitalization of the Shakespeare Garden at Ellis Park with the pledge of a personalized brick engraving.
These engraved bricks will be located within the gazebo named after Metro Rotary. 
The nearly 100-year-old Shakespeare Garden, like Rotary International, was established to honor community and friendship. It is reassuring to know that our Rotarians are still creating positive community relationships so needed in our world.
To pay for your pledged brick naming right of $1000. (Paid in full or in two payments), please follow these instructions. Brick engraving specifics will be sent to you via email. Please be sure to include your email on the GCRCF donation form using the link below.
  1. Go to “donate and support, then “donate” then “give” using the following link:
  2. Fill out the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, Shakespeare Garden fund form.
  3. Fill out all the details on this “donate now” page!
  4. Fill in $1000.00 if paying in a lump sum. Fill in $500.00 and check recurring if fulfilling your pledge over two years.
  5. Finally, put in your rotary-specific detail (i.e., “Daybreak” or “downtown”) under “Honorarium” and please put “brick donation” under Memorial.
  6. Don’t forget to fill in your email and phone information so we can send you the Brick engraving detail sheet and confirm with you your exact inscription!