As the sponsoring Rotary Club for the Interact clubs at Mt Vernon High School and Washington High School, we want to send one student from each of the two schools to RYLA in July 2024. In order to choose the best candidate from each school, we are accepting applications for sophomore or junior studen ts interested in going to RYLA. The Linn County Rotary Club will conduct a in-person interviews with the finalists. Only one sophomore or junior student will be sponsored to go from each school.
RYLA 2024
Date: July 14-19, 2024
Start: 3:00pm on Sun, July 14 (previous communication said 2:30pm)
End: 12:00pm on Fri, July 19
Location: Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa
Who: High school sophomores or juniors for 2023-2024 academic year
Read more information from Rotary International: https://www. rotary.org/en/our-programs/ rotary-youth-leadership-awards
Read more information from RYLA in Iowa (do not fill out and submit application on this website until instructed to do so): http://www.iowaryla.org/
Reminder, only one sophomore or junior studen t will be sponsored to go from both Mt Vernon or Washington. We will choose one student from each school.
Please share this opportunity with all sophomore and junior students at your school and at your earliest convenience. There is a deadline. Late applications will NOT be accepted!
Linn County Rotary RYLA Sponsorship APPLICATION
Link to application: https://forms. gle/ZZJK3fiSGzL93VEf9
(This application is due by Sun, Mar 31 by 11:59pm.)