We are looking for people to ride with our team, which is a club fundraiser. Or, you could be a support driver and enjoy the ride and not have to pedal. Finally, we need help finding host homes. Katie and John have secured homes at all overnight towns except: Storm Lake and Ames. If you have friends or family in these communities, we need your help to find a home to park our RV and support trailer/vehicle as well as set up tents in the backyard. We are capping the team at 25 riders and in addition we would like access to a restroom (shower and toilet) and power to charge phones. Please join in the fun or lend a hand to help. You can reach John at johnmschultz@gmail.com.
More Information
500 MILES - 16,549 feet of climbing, 6th longest, 6th steepest ride in the history of RAGBRAI
Dates: July 22-29, 2023
Register: https://ragbrai.com/ragbrai-l-registration/ (deadline May 15, or earlier if the ride sells out)
***Make sure you join the team "Rotary"***
Rotary Team Fee: $275 for the week (includes: transportation to and from the start and ending towns, transports of your bike and gear, light snacks each morning and at the end of the ride, SAG service if you need to skip a day or have a breakdown or can’t finish a day, kick off dinner)
Day Rider: Register using link above
Day Rider for Rotary Team Fee: $50 for each night (to help transport gear)
John Schultz President, Schultz Strings