Posted on Nov 02, 2022
We are an active club! Read more about some of our recent events and service projects. 
Service Project: Tree Planting at Pleasant Creek State Park
Linn County lost thousands of trees in the 2020 derecho. The relentless DNR team at Pleasant Creek State Park and countless volunteers are still working to reforest the trails and natural area.
We were honored to donate 22 trees to the park. We are so proud of our student, civic, and running communities, especially the 5 international students from Cornell College who took part of their weekend today to help plant 9 trees.
Thank you to everyone who helped and donated to add trees to this beautiful park.

Service Project: Tree Planting in Marion
At the beginning of October, members of our club planted 20 trees along 22nd St in Marion. City of Marion’s Arborist, Mike Cimprich, taught us how to properly plant a tree. His guidance and instruction will help us in future plantings!
This project was funded by a grant that we received from the Rotary Foundation. Our aim is to help develop the tree canopy that was lost in the 2020 derecho.

Service Project: Metro Rotary Cedar River Trail Clean-Up
Rotarians from around the metro area joined forces in October to make the Cedar Rapids riverfront area look a little nicer. About 30 people met near the McGrath Amphitheater and removed debris and scrub trees that had accumulated along a several block area. Items pulled out of the river’s edge included old mufflers, a couple of bicycles, an awning frame, a big umbrella, and a few unidentifiable objects. Several bags of “general” garbage were also retrieved. Many small trees were growing in the rocks on the riverbank, and those were hacked out by some hardworking Rotarian lumberjacks! Several members of our Linn County Rotary Club participated in the city beautification project.   

Speaker: DG Don Meyer
2022-2023 Rotary District Governor Donald Meyer and his wife Dr. Kris Meyer visited our club tonight. They met with our Board of Directors and were our program speakers. Don commended the fact that we are a “doing” club and are a great asset to the community. He encouraged us to continue our giving for Polio eradication efforts and The Rotary Foundation. Kris invited everyone to attend the Rotary District Conference in Waverly at Wartburg College in April 2023. Thank you Don and Kris!

PolioPlus Society
Congratulations to Michelle Bell (on holiday in Hawaii!) and Katie Wilford were recognized for becoming founding members of the PolioPlus Society.
By donating $100 a year toward PolioPlus, you can become a member of the PolioPlus Society. 
Polio Eradication is Rotary's top philanthropic priority. When Rotary launched the PolioPlus program in 1985, there were more than 350,000 polio cases in over 125 countries. Since 1988, when Rotary began working with its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to immunize more than 2 billion children, the incidence of polio has decreased 99 percent. We are close to eradicating polio, but we need your help.
To become a member all you need to do is complete the PolioPlus Society pledge form (attached), print, sign and send to District 5970 Foundation Chairperson John Wasta at or mail to 221 Kent Ct NE, Cedar Rapids, IA  52402.  As a member of the PolioPlus Society, you pledge to donate a minimum of $100 USD each year to The PolioPlus Fund until the world is certified polio free by the World Health Organization.
To donate, click on this link:, sign-in to your account, and then select a donation type (one-time or recurring).