In July, our club participated in Mt Vernon Heritage Days by manning the High Striker sledge hammer game. Interact members Greenlee Adney and Reagan Stock of Washington HS helped, and made $201.50 for the club in about 2 hours. We let the Mt Vernon Baseball Boosters Club take over Hi Striker for part of the day, and they, too, made over $200 for their cause, so it was a win-win. (Photos by Greenlee Adney)

At our second meeting in July, our club officially opened our Little Free Food Pantry at 907 11th St. in Marion!
If you are in need, stop by anytime for shelf-stable food and personal hygiene products. Want to contribute items? Please feel free to add them to the pantry, bring them to the next Rotary meeting, or contact Cody Crawford to arrange a bulk donation.

Mariah and Gene have been busy collecting can and bottle donations for our club. In the picture to the right, Mariah and Gene got to ride in a funky freight elevator, thanks to a generous bottle donation from Chophouse Downtown.
Proceeds from the deposit money go to support local civic organizations that house the homeless, feed the hungry, provide children with a safe place to sleep, and our next big project: post-derecho reforestation in Marion at Pleasant Creek State Park.

Members of Linn County Rotary donated 61 books at the last meeting in July to help restock Little Free Libraries in the community.