At our first Rotary meeting in 2023, we heard from Nadine Brock, Linn County Trails Association board member, about the work and funding to expand and improve trails in Linn County. Over the course of 20 years, more than 100 miles of trail system have been added, giving residents the ability to enjoy nature through running, walking, hiking, cycling, rollerblading, and even commuting.

Service Project: Cans & Bottles
Big thanks to Joan and Michelle for this big donation towards our eternal can drive!

Dawn Brouwers has been the Executive Director (aka chief cook and bottle washer) at His Hands Free Clinic since 2014. Since 1992, His Hands Free Clinic has helped the uninsured and underinsured in our community. The clinic is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Christian ministry providing free healthcare to Cedar Rapids and surrounding communities. In 30 years, His Hands Free Clinic has provided free medical, dental and other vital services to almost 40,000 uninsured and underinsured residents. Approximately 50% of patients served are employed in some capacity but are at, or below, federal poverty levels. Each year, approximately 1,200 receive care. But that’s only a fraction of the approximately 10,000 uninsured and underinsured residents of Cedar Rapids and surrounding communities. The need is great and growing.
There are medical and non-medical volunteer opportunities available. Visit the His Hands website to learn more and sign-up!
Service Project: CPR at Cornell
On Saturday, January 28, we hosted a free CPR training at Cornell College in Mount Vernon. Thank you to the Lisbon - Mount Vernon Ambulance Service for providing this important community education event!

1) Make sure they're not asleep. If not...
2) Check for effective breathing. If not...
3) Place your hands in the center of the chest, about 2/3 of the way down the sternum.
4) Shout and point out someone to call 911.
5) Ask someone to find an AED.
6) Start pressing hard and deep to the beat of Baby Shark until emergency responders tell you to stop.