If you are attacked by a mugger in a dark alley and you have a free hand, should you:
A) Ball up your fist and slug him in the jaw.
B) Cup your hand and gouge his eye.
We hope you never have to make such a decision, but if you said B, you’re right. Jeff Schmatt, a martial arts expert and personal protection trainer, told our club last week that a balled up fist may do you more harm than it does the attacker. “You could break your knuckles,” he said. “But with a cupped hand gouging his eyes you could temporarily blind him, giving you time to get away.”
In fact, he said, the cupped hand to the eyes is five times more effective at fending off an attacker than a closed fist.
Other tips from Schmatt included:
- If you’re under attack, yell “Fire!” rather than “Help!” People nearby will be more likely to respond.
- With your cupped hand, you can also grab the attackers ear and rip it off. Yes, rip it off! Ears are surprisingly easy to dislodge, and you want to so startle the attacker that he stops and gives you time to escape.
- Bite him wherever you can, and as hard as you can. The pain you inflict may stop his attack.
- If you’re being choked from behind, a quick twist to your right or left may dislodge the attacker, and give you a chance to go for his eyes or ears, or escape.
- A very firm kick or knee to the groin can also disorient the attacker and let you escape.